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  • Rebuilding the Amazon Rainforest One Tree at a Time
  • June 09, 2011
  • Amazing Forest sells trees in the Amazon rainforest. Not trees to be delivered to your door, but to be planted in a designated specific location, on your behalf in the Amazon rainforest, with the name you choose for it. It's your tree on Earth. A permanent tag is attached to your tree and your tree is never cut down.
    amazing forest in facebook


    Yes, the Amazon rainforest is being cut down as you read this. 17% is already gone. The world's lungs - as it's referred to - is decreasing in size. Yes, everyone knows this. But what can we really do about it? The Amazing Forest is a chance to do something right from where you are, sitting in your chair, a few clicks and USD 60 away.

    Amazing Forest is the venue where people from all over the world are combining their ...
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